

Access innovative molecular technologies, state-of-the-art DNA analysis and microbial assessment with the SGS全球生物科学中心.

The SGS全球生物科学中心 in Lisbon develops and guides the deployment of integrated services for a wide range of industries and sectors – from natural resources through to 行业 and 环境.

Our experts work on new methods and services that leverage molecular and microbiological technologies. We work with governments and 行业 leaders to create new testing methodologies that you can trust. We also collaborate with academia to develop and pilot new methods and bring immediate value to your organization. 最重要的是, we work with you to find innovative and tailored solutions to solve even the most complex challenges.

With a buzzing scientific community and state-of-the-art laboratories, Lisbon is the perfect location for this SGS Center of Excellence. A European location allows us to have direct links with great universities and research institutes.
The brand-new facilities neighbor existing SGS infrastructure and capabilities, such as the SGS Competence Center for 分子生物学, which focuses on applications within the food sector and SGS Innovation Squads, 哪个专注于数字创新.
SGS 微生物学 全球彩票app Lab Hamburg, Germany


SGS全球生物科学中心’s diverse, multidisciplinary experts boast years of experience in microbiology, 生态, 分子生物学和生物信息学. Our state-of-the-art laboratory is fully equipped with the latest technology and is complemented by extensive SGS laboratories around the world. In addition, we have developed ties with several partners for certain specialized services.

With extensive expertise in molecular analysis technology, we have developed significant capacity and capabilities, 包括:

  • Nucleic acids extraction techniques from a wide range of matrices
  • 样品保存方法
  • Nucleic acids amplification technologies:
    • PCR / RT-qPCR
    • 数字液滴PCR
  • 新一代测序:
    • 16 s宏基因组
    • 环境DNA元条形码
    • 鸟枪测序
    • RNA-Seq
  • 微阵列技术(snp)

SGS全球生物科学中心 houses a microbiology lab that is uniquely set up to mimic various natural conditions and to test and optimize biological processes. The laboratory provides full flexibility through the utilization of various bioreactor setups, 包括:

  • 填充床列
  • 流化床生物反应器
  • 生物膜生物反应器
  • 搅拌釜反应器
  • Batch and continuous bioreactor setups
  • Anaerobic and aerobic bioreactors systems
  • Full process, and control and automated feedback loops

The laboratory offers a host of different analytical equipment to monitor processes and has access to specific equipment, 例如ICP, GC -女士(IR), 事项, QEMSCAN, 扫描电镜, 等., plus molecular technologies to monitor microbial gene expression and perform metagenomics.


In a world that demands faster results to drive decisions, the desire for new technology in remote places, 比如自然生态系统, 农场, 石油钻塔和矿场, 增加了. 已经, some sequencing technology can fit in the palm of your hand, connect to a laptop and provide results in minutes. Many of these new technologies are replacing conventional culture-based techniques that take days to execute.

在SGS全球生物科学中心, new advances around molecular mobile applications are monitored and field-applications are being actively validated. This ensures that we can deliver the best and most effective technologies anywhere, anytime.

Our bio-informatics capacity enables us to process the vast amount of data that next-generation sequencing provides, using cloud computing to deliver consistent, 可扩展和快速的结果. We also develop auxiliary software solutions to assist in sample program designs, primer development and the integration of large datasets, 公共数据库和元数据集. Our analysis does not stop with the sequencing data. We have the capability to leverage the metagenomic and 环境al information using machine learning to generate new insights for better conservation and business efforts.

Our bioinformatics and data science competences include:

  • 16S metagenomic pipelines for microbiome
  • Various prokaryotic and eukaryotic metagenomic (barcode) pipelines
  • 鸟枪测序管道
  • Biostatistics and advanced data visualizations
  • Environmental DNA feasibility pre-screening
  • 引物设计和硅测试
  • Meta-data integration and spatial mapping
  • Supervised and unsupervised machine-learning


在SGS全球生物科学中心 we serve a wide range of sectors – including mining, 能源, 环境, 生物多样性, 行业, 建筑, 运输和供应链. We provide a comprehensive portfolio of biosciences services, tailored to your 行业 and requirements and backed up by the global reach and resources of SGS operations.

SGS Determination of Oxygen in Anode Copper on a Metallographic Microscope Balkash, Kazakhstan


SGS全球生物科学中心’s team has launched a variety of different services and technologies; all tailored to address a specific market demand and leveraging on our innovative spirit and sound expertise. 



Meet the SGS全球生物科学中心 团队 and find out about their backgrounds and experience.